Can I get a conclave over here?


Look at us. It’s embarrassing. We’re helplessly fascinated by all the cool weird rituals surrounding the selection of the pope. Of course we want to hear about the white smoke (whoooo) and the black smoke (oooo, ohhhhhhoooo) and imagine vaulting ceilings and all those long white robes with red robes seeming to float en masse over marble floors.

No one from the Vatican has even tried to get us to buy the previous story about the pope. The one we all heard for years–about the pope being touched or chosen by god.

So we don’t even get to wonder about the reality of the magic in the conclave, and it’s STILL compelling–it’s the rituals, those weird, ancient, other-worldly rituals. hello from the conclaveI can’t help but watch. And it hasn’t even gotten good yet. (And by “good” I mean very very bad)